Het MBO in de onderwijswedloop: Kan de ladder ooit een waaier worden?

− 1 min read

New research memorandum


Education is in a deep crisis. A race has begun in which everyone has become increasingly educated to stay ahead of the rest. This is due to the convergence of two developments:

  • Education is increasingly the dominant route through which social success is achieved, herein legitimised by a meritocratic ideology.
  • For individuals, it is rational to pursue the highest possible education because it provides access to the best jobs in terms of income and status.

The phenomenon of a vertical top-heavy educational ladder erodes the position of secondary vocational education and has major negative individual and social consequences.

van der Velden, R., & Glebbeek, A. (2024). Het MBO in de onderwijswedloop: Kan de ladder ooit een waaier worden?  ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 002